Belenco Quartz is a durable and aesthetic artificial stone material. This material is made by combining natural quartz crystals, resin and pigments. This process results in an extremely hard, scratch and stain resistant surface.
Belenco Quartz is especially ideal for surfaces such as kitchen tops, bathroom tops, wall panels and floor coverings. This material imitates the unique colors and patterns of natural stones, offering a rich design choice.
Belenco Quartz is also known for its hygienic features and easy-to-clean surfaces. For this reason, it is especially preferred where hygienic surfaces are required, such as food preparation areas.
Belenco Quartz is offered in different thicknesses and sizes and can be used both indoors and outdoors. In addition, it provides a long-lasting surface thanks to its resistance to high temperatures, scratches and impacts.
Belenco Quartz has become a popular choice in recent years and is one of the leading brands among artificial stone materials with its durability and aesthetics.